Networking Networks
Working together for the benefit of all
Networks, as we know, foster the generation, exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience. How beneficial, then, for two networks operating on similar issues to work together, sharing knowledge, promoting innovative initiatives and joining forces to improve the ecological status of Mediterranean forest landscapes. The Mediterranean Model Forest Network (MMFN) promotes and supports the development of Model Forests in the Mediterranean, and is a member of the International Model Forest Network that includes over 65 Model Forests around the world. Collaboration between Medforval and MMFN is of benefit to both, and they plan to work together to identify synergies and act together on relevant issues. The two networks share similar objectives and strategies and – partially – geographical coverage.
Cooperation is foreseen between the two secretariats and between their member sites: in particular Spain, France, Italy, Turkey and Morocco all have sites who are members of both networks. MMFN works with a range of organizations – including the CESEFOR Foundation (Spain), an expert in international environmental planning, and the Compagnia delle Foreste (Italy) who are particularly active in communication in the forestry sector, publishing and planning within EU programmes. Medforval may collaborate with them in the future. In addition, the Medforval network is currently discussing its contribution to the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week to be held 22-26 March 2021, in Tunisia. MMFN is one of the organizers of the Week.
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For more information: Toni Ventre, MMFN Secretary –
Photo: MMFN
5 June 2020