Italian-Swiss Connectivity Restoration
The protected areas and the administrations of the Ticino Valley are partners in a one-year project, which will prepare the ground for a landscape-scale effort to restore connectivity in this transnational river basin shared by Italy and Switzerland. The Medforval site Valle del Ticino is one of the partners in the project which is coordinated by Istituto Oikos and funded by the Endangered Landscapes Programme (supported by the Arcadia Fund). Together, Swiss and Italian public administrations, protected areas and NGOs have worked on this project since November 2019, to coordinate existing initiatives and guide them towards a common strategy and programme. The first workshop took place in Milan on 19 February to develop the Theory of Change which will be at the basis of the planned programme to restore the Ticino River Valley as a functional corridor between the Alps, the Apennines and the Adriatic Sea.
For more information: Martina Spada, Programme manager, Istituto Oikos
13 March 2020